sometimes i don't have all the words, and sometimes other people do. i kinda love it when that happens! today i'm simply sharing a few of my favorite reads from around the internet lately. click the blue links below to read other people's words:

speaking of ebola...i'm going with Macy and her astonishing conclusion on fear. i already told you which camp i'm in.

i get asked about socialization every time i mention that we homeschool. every time. and i've come to realize that i don't even know what they mean when they ask it. what do public school parents mean by socialization?? because as you're asking me this, our kids are socializing on the playground, at dance class, at church, and in martial arts class. i like Walsh's case for socialized homeschoolers.

// REBEL AGAINST PERFECTION: WHAT KIND OF REBEL ARE YOU? QUIZ "Stop trying to earn others' approval and learn to rest in God's lavish unconditional love."
i think it's important to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, dreams and desires, personality type, and love language. this "rebel" quiz reveals our emotional needs, our God-given assets, and how to rebel against our own false expectations of perfection. no surprise, i am an ANALYTIC REBEL.

well, i don't know that i LOVE halloween. i've gone back and forth on this holiday trying to navigate how i feel about it. i like to see it as an opportunity to teach my kids about Jesus' victory over death and evil, as Beth mentions. here's how we do halloween.
and finally, for giggles:

// IF I FITS, I SITS because cats in boxes.
i hope you enjoy this curated collection!