Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Compassionately, thru Kristin

Did you hear about what Kristin is doing? Do you know where she is right now?

She's blogging from Kenya. And it's not a vacation, yall.

Kristin is part of a team {of angels} who went were sent by God to Nairobi, Kenya to meet the children they sponsor and to see, live and in person, the places and faces of The Compassion Project.

I can't fathom it. She's a wife and a mom, just like me. She cooks dinner and runs errands and drinks sweet tea, just like me. She wakes up in the morning and puts her bare feet on hardwood floors or plush carpet, just like me. She has a heart for the children, the hurting, and the impoverished...just like me.

Kristin has compassion, and she was moved. More than moved to send a check or donate canned goods, she was moved to go. She left her three babies at home for a week so that she could selflessly share her maternal love with children in need, and so she could learn how moms like us can help release children from poverty, in Jesus' name. 

I've been reading her updates, praying for her and her family, praying for the Compassion Project and the Compassion Team. I've clicked here to donate, and I've been moved with compassion, thru Kristin. Something big inside of me wants to do something more. {um, Eryn, that's your heart}

"Sponsor a child" is at the top of my to-talk-to-hubby-about list.

And here are my bullet points. {hubby loves bullet-point discussions}
*it's only $38 a month. tax-deductible.
*the child we sponsor would be guaranteed food and clean water, medical care, schooling and life-skills training, and the opportunity to know and have a relationship with Jesus = hope for a better future
*parents of the child we sponsor would get literacy classes and health education
*there is no commitment except that of the heart... if for any reason, God forbid, our sponsorship could be discontinued at any time
I don't see a reason not to help the children of Compassion.

"Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world."
James 1:27