Today's WFMW (brought to you by Rocks In My Dryer) is all about toys that stand the test of time. How perfect for this time of year when we are bombarded with stacks of catalogs and eardrum-blasting commercials advertising the newest, greatest, latest thingamajigger. I've about had it up to here with thingamajiggers. If your kid is anything like mine she plays with only a handful of toys again and again while the others gather dust at the bottom of the toybox.
So, besides the classics (sidewalk chalk, playdoh, bouncy balls, books, stuffed animals, and LightBright), our alltime favorite toys that stand the test of time are...drum roll please....
2) Bella Dancerella [ages 3+] We have the ballet version and the cheerleader version, and both have entertained Big Girl for countless hours. It's perfect for rainy days. I like to think of it as Wii's little dainty sister.
3) Mega Blocks [ages 1+] aka big Legos, these things are big, chunky, lightweight, and easy for little hands to build with. These have also been a favorite in the gameroom for nearly 3 years. They were there when we were learning our colors ("let's build a green castle!"), and when we were learning to count ("stack the tower with 5 blocks!"), and when we're just plain havin' fun. Love these.
Okay those are my top 3. Stop by RIMD to see what everyone else raves about.