our little guy was baptized by his sunday school teacher at our church last weekend. he was so excited, jumping in his seat during worship, watching intently as others were baptized before him, giggly and hyper, waiting for his turn. he learned about "bathtism" from his big sister, and then from us, and then from the church. it was about a year-long on-and-off conversation, totally led by our 5 year old and the holy spirit. so when he said he was ready to be baptized, and he pronounced it correctly, i trusted he really was ready. the day before at the dinner table my husband asked him, "do you have Jesus in your heart?" bubba replied confidently,
"Yes. Well, almost."
it was precious to witness, a sweet milestone i've prayed for and will forever cherish. he went under the water knowing full well what it means to come back up again, wet and washed clean, the symbolism not lost on him.
We were buried in baptism as Christ was buried in death.
As Christ was raised from the dead by the great power of God,
so we will have new life also.
-Romans 6:4
we went for ice cream after the service and his lips were stained with Blue Cotton Candy. he got a new "big boy" bible and we put in the tabs so he can quickly turn to the book he wants to read. he carries it around proudly, showing his full name imprinted in the leather.
i don't know if there is any joy greater than knowing your children know Jesus and want Him to be the Lord of their life. there are a lot of times when i'm proud of my children. their baptisms, though...that precious life-altering decision they made...my heart wanted to burst.
i can't think of a better way to kick off Spring than with a rebirth! a few days after, we went to the arboretum where spring has definitely sprung. the cherry blossom trees were in full bloom and there were tulips in every color! so beautiful to see what God can do. after such a long and cold winter, it's really refreshing to see the new growth, vibrant colors, and new life.

the beautiful spring came; and when nature resumes her loveliness,
the human soul is apt to revive also.
-harriet ann jacobs
it's always like spring with Jesus. He makes all things new. new life is always found in Him.