until then, we are spending these self-quarantined stay-home-stay-safe summer days watching movies, playing in the pool, family game nights, bike riding, walking the dogs, ordering take-out, hanging out with a friend or two (not more than 10), video gaming, and reading. reading has always been a favorite pastime for my kids. i'm thankful! it's been instilled in them since they were very young that readers are leaders and leaders are readers :)
here are some of the books my kids are reading this summer:
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Bible book of Romans (Paul for Everyone, Wright)
josh, age 12, going into 8th grade, is reading
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Tempest by Shakespeare
Classical Me, Classical Thee by Rebekah Merkle
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
Bible book of Romans (Paul for Everyone, Wright)
great classics! and if there's ever time to get lost in a good classic novel, it's the summer of 2020.
josh is also reading the Wally McDoogle series- books about 12 year old Wally and his hilarious hijinks and outrageous adventures. josh says he likes the "plot twists" and "unexpected endings." the illustrations are similar to the other series' geared for this age group, and the sense of humor definitely appeals to my pre-teen son. but mostly, i love how the Wally McDoogle books incorporate essential lessons about friendship, pride, and faith, and the importance of trusting God with it all. so important!

and, just for fun, my summer booklist includes
The Banty House by Carolyn Brown
The Imposter by Suzanne Woods Fisher
An Uncommon Grace by Serena B. Miller
Plain Roots by Becki Willis
and my husband is reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, and The Idea Factory by Jon Gertner.
what do your kids like to read? are yall reading anything good this summer?