i thought it would be fun to interview my kids about Christmas, so i used the oneday app to create this sweet story video...
to open the video in your browser: http://youtu.be/XCE_wTqyQgg
isn't that ADORABLE! get the OneDay app and you can make cute videos like that with your kiddos :)
here are the favorites my kids mention in the video:
here are the favorites my kids mention in the video:

H: Little Drummer Boy, Feliz Navidad (Michael Buble's version)
J: Little Drummer Boy rap (Justin Bieber's version)

favorite Christmas movies
J: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
H: Elf

favorite Christmas books or story
J: The Sparkle Box and "that mouse book"
...by which he means The Manger Mouse by Sarah Martin Byrd, new to us this year! a sweet story about Matty the manger mouse ans he witnesses the night Jesus was born. enter below to win a copy of The Manger Mouse!
...by which he means The Manger Mouse by Sarah Martin Byrd, new to us this year! a sweet story about Matty the manger mouse ans he witnesses the night Jesus was born. enter below to win a copy of The Manger Mouse!

H: eggnog, cookies
J: eggnog, gingerbread men, candy canes

H: i just like the whole thing!
J: having the family together
merry christmas!