"Despite what anyone may think (or try to coax themselves into believing),
the laundry pile is not loads of fun—it’s loads of work."
–Jenny Lee Sulpizio
Yep. You guessed it--I’m talking about the laundry.
Ugh. The mere thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies as I can’t help but focus on the amount of work I’m forced to confront as I stare at each one of my children’s hampers. It can be overwhelming to say the least. But as a Wonder Woman Wannabe, I know that when it comes to doing the laundry, the last thing God wants me doing is grumbling, complaining, or exhibiting an attitude that’s less than Christian. I know that as a mom, I’ve got to pull-up my big girl underwear (after I wash, dry, and fold it, that is), and tackle these chores with a grateful heart and pleasant demeanor.
Sometimes though, it’s really hard to do.
In my recently released book, Confessions of a Wonder Woman Wannabe: On a Mission to Save Sanity, One Mom at a Time, I discuss this very issue (in detail), and even manage to provide a number of tips in order to get that laundry of ours done…and in record time.
Yes, it’s possible.
1. Don’t Wait: The easiest thing to do after folding clothes is to let them sit in the hamper and wait for the laundry fairy to appear. The thing is, she never does and clothes end up sitting, sometimes week’s on end before they get hung up. Not that I know from experience or anything (wink, wink), but instead of getting into this bad habit, commit to putting away your laundry the same day you fold it. Seriously, it’s so much better.
2. Schedule It: Develop a laundry system where you tend to one (or two) family members per day. It makes the task less daunting, more doable, and anytime you have more structure in your mommy duties, it maintains your sanity. A laundry schedule is a must, mamas!
3. Treasure Hunt: You wanna know what the best part about tending to the laundry is? Finding loose change and wadded up dollar bills. Hey, check those pockets…finders, keepers!
4. Divine Design: How about giving your laundry room a makeover? Maybe some fresh wall décor, new paint, a couple of organizational units? This may just brighten your mood and give you the motivation you need to spend more time in there. Hahahaha. Just Kidding.
5. Enlist help: Why should mom be the only one having “fun” with the laundry? By teaching your children the fine art of laundering around the age of nine (or ten), not only will your workload decrease but their level of responsibility will increase. Sounds good, eh?
Ladies, we all know how monotonous taking care of the laundry can be. Believe me, I totally understand but by following a few of the tips I’ve mentioned above, it may just make it bearable. And Amen for that!
Get your copy of Confessions of a Wonder Woman Wannabe on Amazon today (link). OR enter to win a copy using this form:
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Jenny Lee Sulpizio is a wife and mother of three who enjoys writing about anything and everything under the sun, but especially loves to instruct, motivate, and guide other moms with practical advice, tips, and a whole lot of comic relief in the process. Jenny is a contributing writer for The MOB Society and Moms Together, and is the author of the recently released guide for all mamas titled, Confessions of a Wonder Woman Wannabe: On a Mission to Save Sanity, One Mom at a Time. To find out more about Jenny or to follow her blog, visit www.jennyleesulpizio.com, or find her on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jennyleesulpizio.author