Friday, February 22, 2013

{my kids} unplugged

my kids are 8 and 4, and they live life unplugged. 

my mom likes to clip articles from her local newspaper that she thinks i would like, and then she brings them in stacks when she comes to visit. i love it. sometimes, though, the article is so relevant or pertinent or makes such an impact on her that she can't wait to give me the clipping, so she calls me to tell me about it. the other day she read an article about how much time "kids these days" spend watching TV, on the computer, or otherwise doing something involving screen media. she was appalled at the statistics. and as she rattled them off to me, i was, too. children 6 and younger (including infants) are spending between 2 and 4 hours a day in front of a screen. 

this isn't new news by any means, but i think it's getting worse. 

over the course of the next few days, i watch my children and we live our life and it never really occurred to me how unplugged they really are. 

no wonder my mom clipped that shocking article: her grandchildren are (for the most part) unplugged. 

they don't have their own i-anythings. we don't have a wii, an x-box, or even a nintendo. they don't have leapsters, no laptops. we don't even have a dvd player. my daughter has a kindle, but it's the very basic kind that's just for reading books. unplugged.

this is on purpose. this is the life we've set up for them. it lets them be little, lets them see their world, explore their surroundings, experience tangible life and moments and memories. this is on purpose. this is a life that isn't keeping a high score, that isn't make-believe. it's real-time, face-to-face, engaging their senses, and engaging one another. they are present, and aware.

we limit how much television they watch and are {very} strict about what they can watch. we are a reading, quiet time, writing, independent play, and listening to our favorite music family. we are outside or on the go. we are in the kitchen or in the playroom. we are collecting bugs and researching plants. putting together puzzles and making a mess with play-doh. 

it takes more effort on our part to keep them active and provide them chances to be kids. but it's worth it. there is too much life going on and i don't want them to miss it. 

they are 8 and 4, and they live life unplugged. 

"Be very careful, then, how you live - 
not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity."
Ephesians 5:15-16