sometimes you just need to get away, but without going too far.
last weekend, we took a staycation.

we spent a couple of days at the Gaylord Texan, which is just about an hour from home. far enough to feel like a vacation, but close enough not to need a plane ticket or too much luggage.
my husband is a rockstar, by the way.

he completely surprised me with this staycation. and? he did not bring his laptop. i love this man.

the mariachi band played our song while we ate diner at a Mexican restaurant with Talavera tiles on the tables. seriously? swoonfest.

somehow, my husband managed to coordinate our stay with the hotel's waterpark bonus day. the {superfun} waterpark is normally closed for the season, but for some reason they made an exception and opened it for 1 day when we were there. and because of the off-season, we pretty much had the place to ourselves.

it's good to get away every once in a while.

and then it's really nice to go back home.
that's what i've been up to around here lately!
there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world.
So let us do our best to enter that rest.
have a restful weekend!