The Lord will surely comfort Zion
and will look with compassion on all her ruins;
he will make her deserts like Eden,
her wastelands like the garden of the Lord.
Joy and gladness will be found in her,
thanksgiving and the sound of singing.
Isaiah 51:3
1366. a peace that passes understanding
1367. not knowing why, but still able to trust, be glad, and find joy
1368. friends who genuinely care and keep praying
1369. boxes stacked full in expectation
1370. my birthday boy sitting so grown up in church
1371. waking up to clear answers to night time prayers
1372. harvest time
1373. my "me" time at the gym, getting stronger
1374. cutting out sugar and feeling better
1375. little braids in my daughter's hair
1376. Hershey Kiss earrings, a reminder of a special time
1377. making plans to bless mom friends in my community
1378. being part of a local blogging conference team who gets it
1379. Grandmas building Lego cities with the children
1380. organic and gluten-free food choices at restaurants
1381. hands and voices raised, worshiping Jesus with 100 unashamed 7 year olds
1382. watching my husband from across the room as he prays with a group of rowdy boys
1383. loving Sunday school teachers
1384. the 3 driveways of friendships, tricycles, FreezePops, bubbles, waterguns, and sidewalk chalk
1385. knowing when to say no and where to cut back
1386. when other people write the very message i couldn't
1387. Undercover Boss
1389. neon straws
1390. a big fluffy green flower sent from my prayer-partner
1391. clarity in obedience
1392. ending ungodly relationships
1393. pizza and brainstorming
1394. vacation planning
happily change everything by keeping your own list of #1000gifts from God