when BigGirl was first learning about God and creation, the only way she could imagine the beginning was to think of a big giant God playing with a little dollhouse. she was little, and had a dollhouse, so to her it made perfect sense that in the same way she controlled her dolls, moved around their furniture and manipulated the pretend world, God controlled, moved, and manipulated us.
sure, she had heard the book of Genesis, the story of how God created the world in 7 days, about Adam and Eve and the fall. but in her young mind, the dollhouse theory made much more sense.
so when i was asked to choose one of The Answers Book for Kids from the children's series by Ken Ham, i knew i wanted to start in the beginning. i wanted to know how to answer BigGirl's questions about creation and clear up this whole dollhouse misconception. The Answers Book for Kids Volume 1 is loaded with answers to 22 of the most difficult questions kids have about the creation and the fall, including "if all that God created was good, then why did He create satan bad?" and "if the serpent talked to Eve, why can't snakes talk today?" i mean, really. these are good questions. and we need to be ready to answer them in a manner our children will understand. and that's what The Answers Books provide.
i sat with BigGirl (age 6 now) as she read The Answers Book for Kids Volume 1 cover to cover in one sitting. she was fascinated. she would read a question and then say "i've ALWAYS wanted to know that!?" and then she would read the answer and have an "ah-ha!" moment. i could see her wheels spinning, her curiosity fulfilled...her dollhouse theory annulled.
i asked her to read me her favorite question in the book...
awesome right? do you see that sense of satisfaction on her face at the end? it's a good feeling to know the amazing wonders of God. and i'm thankful that she gets to learn it at such an early age. yes...praise Him.
The Answers Book for Kids by Ken Ham is published by MasterBooks. i was provided with a copy of the book for review. the opinions expressed here are honest and my own. thanks for letting me share them with you!
if you are interested in winning your own copy of The Answers Book for Kids, join us on March 22 for a Twitter party! info here.