i wear lots of hats. you probably do, too.
i have quite the collection: chef, chauffer, laundry-doer, dishwasher, home manager, appointment setter, grocery shopper, domestic engineer, ministry leader, volunteer, fitness coach, conference hostess...
most days i don't think of them as hats, i don't go through motions of switching hats, taking off one and putting on another. it's just my life. the hats flow and merge and overlap. the hats don't usually feel cumbersome or like they are going to topple off, and i really don't even count all my hats until someone on the outside looks in and makes a comment like "you're busy!" or "how do you do it all?"
those comments make me stop and i probably furrow my brow because i'm just like my grandmother sometimes and can't hide my feelings well and the absolute truth is i don't feel busy or like i'm doing much at all. i'm just doing my life and i said yes to these hats. i love each of them.
but my favorite hat of all is my Mom Hat. the one i've been wearing for 10 and a half years and will never ever ever take off. the hat that makes these two mine and me theirs. the hat that trumps all other hats anytime. the hat tailor-made by God just for me.

i saw this cute print at an antique market festival and had to take a selfie with the World's Best Kids. i almost bought the print for myself but i couldn't get over 1) the $25 price tag and 2) lucky. because not to be a stickler or get caught up in technicalities or anything, but luck is for the lottery and clovers and pennies. it's not by luck that i get to be my kids' mom. it's by the grace of God. and i thank Him constantly for this sweet gift.
i liked the sentiment so much that i whipped up my own version of the print and here, you can have one, too:
i made this version, too, with Ang and Rox in mind ;)
"mamas, we are blessed. not because we have it all together, but because HE has it all together."