i love my blog followers. i truly do. if your little picture is over there under Followers, I LOVE YOU! i see your shiny happy avatar pictures every day and it makes me smile. thank you for being here and for following me.
you want to know one of my favorite things to do?
1. Momma Snail, of The Snail's Trail, is a fellow homeschooling (after-schooling) mama of two. she has LOADS of schooling resources on her site, plus she is brainchild of Social Girl Media on Facebook. she's funny and fun and compassionate. i love her little owl blog button!
2. Brenda has a beautiful home at The Tie That Binds Us. the browns and greens and eggplants on her site are...oh, i could stay there all day. she homeschools and she's crafty and creative and has 5 kids! i'm hoping to meet her at #Relevant'10! wo0t!
3. Dawn shares her Mommy Perspectives, her adventures in mommy'ing two under two. she is an organic & going green mama like me and has some helpful product reviews for moms. and? she has a recipe site, too!
4. Coryanne of Housewife Bliss is a new favorite in my Google Chrome toolbar. hers is like a glossy magazine for the modern traditionalist housewife. it's pretty. it's proud. it's resourceful. it's organized. it's bliss.
5. Fuat Gencal is my Turkish friend and apparently a genius in the kitchen. his blog has a slew of ethnic "Medicinal Recipes" (as Google so kindly translated it for me), with photos. his recipes have tag lines that translate into "donuts" and "milky desserts"...no wonder he has over 400 followers.
6. tFlo is one of my online best friends and if we didn't live states apart i'm 100% positive we'd be IRL best friends, too. she launched her photography business in Chambersburg, PA, and not a moment too soon! this mama is talented behind the camera. it helps that she has beautiful wee ones to practice on.
7. Meredith at the Sweet T Family! i just recently randomly found her but i have a feeling i'm going to spend a lot of time reading and relating over there. she's a boy mom, a loving wife, who loves Jesus and is obsessed with Bethenny Frankel like me! loving getting to know Meredith better!
8. Annette at Mommy Spirit blogs about her adorable blonde toddler who is about the same age as my Bubba. with weekly and monthly themes and link-ups, she's made her blog a virtual "pep rally" for motherhood - and i like that spirit!
9. A Daddy Blog, is a parenting blog written by, yep you guessed it, a Daddy. this Dad perspective intrigues me. he actually takes a stance on Disney, Katy Perry, Jon Gosselin, and Dora the Explorer. as it turns out Dads really think about such things as it relates to parenting. ... i know!
10. Kim at Mom Tried It is a gem! she's a Texan and a mom and a foster mom. somehow she finds time to write reviews and host giveaways of fun things for young children. but also? she is a contributor at No Time For Flashcards, another one of my absolute favorites.
thanks for following me, friends!
it's Top Ten Tuesday at OhAmanda.com and i'm linking up this list...enjoy!