if i had some order to my blog- some daily categories, if you will -then it would be easier to organize my thoughts and words, therefore making it easier for me to write about it and publish it here. this is not a new concept by any means. some of my favorite blogs have their posts and days so strategically organized you could say it's borderline OCD, or anal-retentive, or Type-A, whichever box you prefer to check. [no offense, of course. i said they were my favorite blogs.]
i want some order here.
introducing my Foodie Friday! i don't have a graphic or button, i don't have a Mister Linky doo-hickey, or even a real plan for my Foodie Friday, i just know i want to do it.
Foodie Friday is here!
Big Girl's 4th Bday is just around the corner. we are having an early celebration and mini-party tomorrow at baby loves disco with her BF4EAE, CharBea. we can't have a mini-party bday celebration without some sort of sweets, right? Big Girl doesn't much like cake or cupcakes [we're still trying to figure out where we went wrong there] so i came up with this alternative: Chocolate-covered Sandwich Cookies with Rainbow Sprinkles! they were easy to make, they are very pretty, and i think Big Girl and CharBea will eat 'em up.
-1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
-8-10 Oreo cookies or other sandwich-style cookies
-sprinkles (we were generous and used 3/4 bottle of sprinkles for 10 cookies)
*pour sprinkles onto a paper plate or similar size dish. this will be your "dipping plate."
*line a separate plate with tin foil and set aside for finished cookies.
1) put chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl, and microwave for 1 minute. stir. microwave for up to 30 seconds longer until the chocolate is melted smooth.
2) dip cookie in the chocolate, covering both sides.
3) dip chocolate-covered cookie into the plate of sprinkles, covering both sides.
4) set cookie on foil-covered plate.
5) refridgerate cookies until chocolate hardens. serve & enjoy!