donut shops are special to me, to my sister, and to dad, because they bring back that precious memory that we share. i didn't know we were making a memory at the time. i wonder if my dad knew?
i realize now that my dad could have easily spent those saturday mornings mowing the lawn or doing paperwork in his office. but he chose instead to take the time to take his sleepyhead daughters to buy dozens of donuts with sprinkles, not just once but time and time again. the lawn can wait. the paperwork will always be there. but the sun is rising and his daughters are young and he made the most of those moments.
just the other day, 20 years since our last trip to the donut shop together, i got this text message from him:

memories are worth making.
i wonder... what memories am i making now with my children that we will cherish 20 years from now? to what places do we go these days that will forever be special to them? what do they love that we do? what is our thing?
{psssst: did you enter the Seattle's Best Coffee giveaway yet?}