Saturday, December 01, 2012

major marriage milestone: 10!

it's been ten years

ten years of togetherness
ten years of growing
ten years of learning
ten years of working
ten years of laughing
ten years of bonding
ten years of maturing
ten years of experiencing
ten years of fighting (the good kind)
ten years of falling asleep side-by-side
ten years of waking up to his perfect-brewed coffee
ten years of inside jokes
ten years of doing his laundry
ten years of establishing ourselves
ten years of making memories
ten years of looking ahead
ten years of making plans
ten years of taking risks
ten years of studying his love language
ten years of sharing (or not) dessert
ten years of that look
ten years of figuring out what works
ten years of knowing his nuances
ten years of him being my absolute favorite
ten years of hand-in-hand
ten years of doing life
ten years of growing more and more in  l o v e
ten years of wedded  b l i s s 
ten years since i married my mister  r i g h t 

h a p p y  1 0 t h  a n n i v e r s a r y
to us! we are celebrating! 
and if the next 10 years are half as good as the past 10 have been, we're in good shape, babe {wink} 
