Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude.
Colossians 4:2 The Message
671. rain
672. girly time with my daughter673. child strangers forging a quick friendship
674. the bond of homeschooling and of being homeschooled
675. my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season, on the patio heart to heart with a dear Sister in Christ
676. new books, free, each week from the library
677. my daughter's smile, peeking out from behind her latest paperback
678. out of the blue "hello how are you" text messages
679. conversations with friendly strangers in the check out line, a distraction from my busy mind
680. paying for the next (unsuspecting) customer's coffee drink
681. retailers that honor a coupon even though i left it in the car
682. Clinique Bonus time at just the right time containing just what i need
683. celebrating 7th birthdays of little ones i've loved since they were tiny tots
684. a day with my husband undivided
685. Bubba's new phrases: "actually" and "does that make sense?"
686. surprise pizza delivery
687. friends in my home, hungry for God's Word
688. finding vegan cheese and tofu at Target
689. easy return policies at big box stores
690. green frosting stains on Bubba's face
691. men and women who serve our country with pride and pleasure
692. Veggie Tales CDs in kid's meals
693. almost no more car payments
694. the quiet and calm of our home, relaxed on a sunny Sunday afternoon
so much to be thankful for. i remain alert, with eyes open in gratitude, counting His gifts...
