Monday, July 11, 2011

everything they had

Sun Brew by tww, on Pix-O-Sphere
"And yet it was God who gave them everything they had.
Job 22:18 MSG

531. answered prayers, even if not the way i wanted
532. the resources to help a friend
533. fruit smoothies on a hot afternoon
534. God's comfort when tragedy strikes
535. friends who lift me up in prayer when i'm down
536. the distraction of Twitter
537. almond vanilla sun tea with fresh mint
538. a baby monitor that doesn't beep incessantly
539. sharing a trend with my daughter
540. purpose revealed
541. soft cotton blankets
542. watching my 2 year old act like a 3 year old
543. world's best dog-sitters next door
544. Target bakery cupcakes
545. 1,000 teenagers responding to the alter call
546. puzzles
547. picture text messages from LA, NY, and GA
548. sprinklers, the rainbow reflection in the sun 
549. local water park attractions, a little staycation 
550. fire alarms, false alarms
551. the bond my kids have with their grandparents
552. "Mommy, I need you."
553. a room full of people that love my children
554. a backyard full of friends having fun
555. the strength to pray when i'm too weak to do anything else
556. a street safe for bike riding
557. homemade frappuccinos  

