it's a button that looks like this:

and it takes you to a wonderful place. to me, it's like all my bloggy friends are together there, in a big, warm room with cushy couches and a fireplace, sharing stories over coffee and sweet tea. it's like the (in)courage Beach House was at Relevant. just click and see for yourself...
i'd like to introduce you to some of my newest blog roll buttons are my friends Jenn at Daze of Adventure, Rachel at A Steady Rain, Stef at Layton Family Joy, Marci at Overcoming Busy, Mod Podge Rocks, Real Mom Kitchen, Christy at Devotion Mama, and Deep into Love.
it's a simple little page, a constant work in progress, but it's by far one of my favorite features on my own blog {grin}. do you have a blog roll? do you LOVE it?