Sunday, November 21, 2010

never runs out

holy experience

31. a full tank of gas Monday morning
32. no line at Starbucks drive-thru
33. my unofficial but always made available for me spot on the couch
34. Target red clearance tags on items on my shopping list
35. friends who are willing to help Gorbella's
36. the mute button, fast forward button, and pause button
37. security and potential of my husband's job
38. Third Day Christmas Offerings CD on repeat in my car
39. the Y in my name and the conversations it sparks
40. opportunities to give around every corner

"Oh, thank God—He's so good! His love never runs out." 
-Psalm 107:1 The Message

join me in the Gratitude Community at A Holy Experience, where we count endless blessings and strive for a life full of worship and praise to Him who gives and gives and gives!