yes. both.
it's a homeschool hybrid.
{it's an answer to our prayers.}
last year, BigGirl was completely homeschooled and she did mostly kindergarten curriculum, and 1st grade math. she flew through it. she loves learning. we worked through the summer, finishing 2 math books and 2 phonics books. she can read, write, add, subtract, divide, comprehend, and then some. she still can't tie her shoe, but she can read music notes! we had a GREAT school year! i thoroughly enjoyed teaching her and watching her teach herself...
and then, maybe you remember when she went to the kindergarten class at the University Model School. this school has been on our radar, a potential supplement to our homeschooling. we checked it out, we studied the ins and outs of the University Model School and liked what we saw:
blending the best of home with the best of traditional education. parents are the key. character is the goal. education is the means.
at a University Model School, students of elementary age through high school go to classes the way most college students do, receiving professional instruction at school two days a week, then study for their classes at home three days a week under their parent’s guidance.
a University Model School blends of the most positive aspects from traditional public and private schools as well as home schools, to give students a highly successful, college-preparatory education, set in a Christian environment. the goal of a University Model School is quality, cost-effective, college-preparatory education accomplished in a way that gives parents more time for imparting the faith and values they hold precious, producing wholesome, competent men and women of character who make a positive difference for Christ in the next generation.
it's our homeschool hybrid. we prayed for God to lead us. doors flew open. ways were made. our homeschool puzzle has a new piece, and it fits perfectly.
this school year, BigGirl is attending a Christian University Model School. she is 5 and, because we did kindergarten for the past year and half, she tested into the first grade. takes classes from 8:30am until 3pm two days a week, and has homeschool the other three days each week. there are 8 children in her class, and all of the families in the entire school are homeschooling families. yesterday was her first went great, and we're thanking God for answering our prayers.
have you heard of University Model School? or any other homeschool hybrid? i'd love to hear what kind of schooling works for you this year!